Feeding Management in a Time of Riding Feed Prices

As feed and hay prices tripled in the last two years, many horseowners want to know how to cut costs and be sure to maintain good health. This presentation will present 12 suggestions to get more out of your horse-feeding dollar. These will include maximizing quality forage, improving pasture management, reducing wastage, good dental care, general health prevention, feeding more meals, and assessing body condition of horses, and considering selling unproductive horses.
Presenter Information
Mark is a Professor of Animal Sciences & Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Purdue University. He earned college degrees at Cornell University and the University of Illinois before moving to Indiana in 1982. Since 1975, he has served as an Extension Horse Specialist and has advised horse owners on issues of horse selection, facilities, nutrition, pastures, breeding, and general management. He also teaches Horse Anatomy and Performance Evaluation, Horse Management, and Clinical Horse Nutrition.
He has held judging cards with the AHSA with a “r” in Arabian, Morgan, Western, and Stock Seat Equitation divisions, and with the AMHA, IBHA PHBA, POA, PtHA and is currently an approved judge with the American Paint Horse Association, Appaloosa Horse Club of America, and the American Quarter Horse Association. He has judged breed, open, and 4-H shows for 32 years and has coached winning 4-H and collegiate judging teams at the Arabian Nationals, Morgan Grand Nationals, Paint World, Quarter Horse Congress, and other national and regional events. He has judged the Pinto Nationals, POA World and Nationals, the Paint Youth World and Nationals, the Florida Gold Coast, Dixie Nationals, American Quarter Horse Youth World Championships, Australian Paint World Championships, Australian and the United Kingdom Appaloosa National Shows.
Watch the recorded webcast below!