Find Your Dream Job in the U.S. Horse Industry!

Do you dream of turning your passion into your profession? If your passion is horses, finding a career in the horse industry may be for you. The United States has the most diverse horse industry in the world, with a variety of breeds and disciplines supporting 2 million horse owners in both recreational and competitive events. The U.S. Horse Industry produces 38.8 billion dollars annually of goods and services. This presentation will give a broad overview of the U.S. Horse Industry and the careers that support it. In addition, we will discuss how to choose a career that fits your talents and professional expectations.
Presenter Information
Dr. Christine Skelly is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University. She earned her doctorate at Texas A&M University with a research focus on equine nutrition and exercise physiology. In 1995, she joined the Department of Animal Science faculty at Michigan State University as the Equine Extension Specialist for Adult Programs.
As tenured faculty, Dr. Skelly has worked with and counseled horse industry groups and producers throughout the state; developed statewide horse educational programs; and served as an equine science resource for county educators.
As an on-campus educator, Dr. Skelly taught horse selection and evaluation; horsemanship; was faculty advisor for the MSU Equestrian Team; and coached the MSU Horse Judging Team. Currently, her primary program interests are farm management, nutrition, welfare, behavior, and manure management.
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