Digestive Anatomy: Why We Feed Horses the Way We Do

In this presentation we will take a tour through the horse's digestive tract, learning about the uniquenesses and problems that could occur throughout. Horses need a specific diet to maintain the health of their gut; by the end of this webinar you will learn exactly what and how to keep the gut at its healthiest.
Presenter Information
Carey A. Williams, Ph.D., joined Rutgers University in July 2003 as its Equine Extension Specialist, taking an active role in teaching, conducting research and working with the equine and academic communities to ensure the viability of the horse industry in New Jersey. A Wisconsin native, Dr. Williams earned her doctorate degree in animal and poultry sciences (with an emphasis on equine nutrition and exercise physiology) in June 2003 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She holds a master's degree in equine nutrition, also from Virginia Tech, and a bachelor's degree from Colorado State University. In 2009, Dr. Williams received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor at Rutgers University.
Watch the recorded webcast below!